Agents Together Website Transformation

Agents together website gif


Agents Together, a UK-based charitable organization for the real estate industry, sought to enhance their online presence and acquire the skills necessary to manage their website independently.


To achieve these goals, our team conducted a thorough website audit to identify improvement areas and collaborated with Agents Together to create a user-friendly design aligned with their brand identity and business objectives. Leveraging Webflow for advanced website design, development, and hosting, we revamped and restructured content and incorporated new features such as Google Analytics, sign-up/user login, live chat, lead generation, real-time reviews, and multiple forms for content upload/download. We optimized the website for search engines, mobile devices, and various browsers while maintaining open communication through weekly progress meetings. By effectively managing budget constraints, we prioritized essential design and development features to maximize impact without compromising quality. To empower Agents Together to manage their website independently, we conducted comprehensive training sessions on content management, image updates, and fundamental maintenance tasks using Webflow's Editor Platform, supplemented with resources and documentation, including videos and tutorials. Our team promptly addressed unforeseen issues like technical constraints, mid-design scope changes, and insufficient client resources by devising and implementing effective strategies to ensure uninterrupted project progress.


Our comprehensive website services and structured approach led to significant improvements in Agents Together’s online performance, including increased website traffic, higher engagement rates, and improved conversion rates. Positive qualitative feedback from the client and their users highlighted the enhanced user experience and overall satisfaction with the redesigned website. By offering a suite of auditing, redesigning, developing, and training services, we successfully transformed Agents Together's online presence and empowered them to manage their website independently, underscoring the value of our comprehensive website services in helping businesses thrive online and achieve their objectives.